Want to support us? Becoming a subscriber is a good way to help us develop this puzzle platform, whereas also receiving exclusive benefits and rewards!
Random username
Ability to create puzzle from public image
4 basic cursors
500 pieces puzzle limit
Move up to 5 pieces at once
5 players room limit
Unlimited public image size
Everything from "Guest" tier
Unique username, 5 to 14 characters
Ability to create puzzles from your own image
Watermelon cursor
1,500 pieces puzzle limit
10 players room limit
Epic cursor
Up to 8K uploaded image size
Everything from "User" tier
2,500 pieces puzzle limit
Move up to 15 pieces at once
25 players room limit
Public animated puzzles
Legendary cursor
Up to 8K uploaded image size
"Burgeon" badge near your username
Everything from "Burgeon" tier
Custom room name
10,000 pieces puzzle limit
Move up to 30 pieces at once
100 players room limit
Custom animated puzzles
Legendary cursor
Up to 16K uploaded image size
"Blossom" badge near your username
We use Stripe to securely accept payments. You will receive your benefits instantly after payment is received.
Subscription is generally non-refundable, but you may ask for a prorated refund if you are very unsatisfied with our services — write us a letter to [email protected]. Gifted subscriptions can't be refunded at all due to their nature.
Once you are subscribed, you will be able to cancel your subscription any time in . You will keep all your tier benefits till the end of your chosen billing cycle.